Tuesday, January 19, 2010

marcus||1:02 AM


Image hosted by Photobucket.com nAmE||-lEe zI gUo mArCuS-
NiCk nAmEs||-(Mar ke) (Marker) (Ma ke si) (Mar gus) (Nokia) (Ai zai) (Shortie) (1.3.Romeo) (xiao ke ai*this nick sux*) (Mei nan zi) (pink boy)-
hIs bIg dAe||-14th mAy 1983-
h0w L0nG hE's bEeN LiViNg||-22- (i'm old but i'm young =P)
wAt hE's d0InG n0w||-stUdYiNg @nYp-
wAt He LiKes t0 d0||-SwIm VoLLeyBaLL tRaVeL mUsIc mOvIe-
w0rDs hE aLwAyS uSe||-"wAt tHe fUcK" "fUcKiN hEll" "cHeE bEh" "bU dOnG lEhZ" "wAtS tHe pRoBLeM (lEaRn fRoM jAcK oNe, hAhA~~)" "bLeAhZ u lOrZ"-
hIs "iN" cOlOuR riTe nOw||-gReeN n bRoWn-

He's short, n nothing but short, pathetic, 1.6m only... Marco is a suku suku type of person.. he's stupid, he's spastic, he's retarded, he's ugly, he's blur n he's simple minded too, tts y he's a simple guy...

He's nothing out of ordinary. He doesn't really quite understand himself. Tho he may look kiddish, but he's nt childish lorz. He's happie-go-lucky becos he doesn't wan his frenz to b bothered by his problems, he has problems too, nobody understands. He's happie when frenz around him r happie

There is a big boy in him, can be naughty and playful, and serious at times. Once a while would still prefer to be left alone.
Music is his life n Md is his best fren, he can't live without his md.He likes to hide in a dark corner listening to those sad sad songs.

He luvs pink colour n cute gals. Jolin Cyndi Vivian Gillian(twins) Hebe(She). He likes Jay chou too cos jay's music r too cool to resist.

He lives a healthy life style, he does sports. Swimming is wat he does often, he oso noes how to play beach volleyball bowling badminton canoe/kayak. He's looking for beach volleyball buddies, dun b shy wor, msg him... He wanna become a beach boy!!!

Marco is greedy, he yearns to love and be loved. But he luvs freedom too, therefore he doesn't want to commit in a relationship now. He's nt ready to settle down.

Sometimes u can find him daydreaming. He's someone who live in a small little world of his own, n tt makes him selfish, ppl who noes him well might feel the selfishness in him, but hope you guyz forgive him, cos sometimes he's juz too self conscious.

Please dun contact him juz becos u wanna borrow money from him, he's poor, leave him alone larz...

mSn : ziguo83@hotmail.com EmAiL : ziguo83@hotmail.com or marcusboy83@yahoo.com.sg

x mY fRiEnDstEr
x mY fReNz(uNDeR cOnStRuCtIoNs)
x mY Ph0t0s(uNDeR cOnStRuCtIoNs)

x computer table
x desired hairstyle (i dunnoe wat i wan sia~~)
x get a job tO support mYsElF
x go for a buffet
x i-pod nano (after taiwan trip ba~~)
x new blog template
x red hair
x return the $$ i owed to frenz
x terminate my pod lite line>
x tour taiwan (soon, coming march)


x January 2010

x b0bbY
x cHrIstAbEl
x cHrIsToPhEr
x cYntHiA
x dAvIs
x gArY
x hUiQi
x hUiyInG
x jAcK
x jAsEn
x jEnnY
x jUstIn
x kIaNz
x kOk LoNg
x LiNgLiNg.rHeA
x mArCuS
x pEaRLyN
x MiChEllE
x sAnDeE
x sErEnE.dApHnE
x wEe kWaN
x wEiMiNg.kEnnEtH

x stUpId gAmE 1
x stUpId gAmE 2
x nEw cHiNeSe sOnGs LyRiCs
x nEw eNgLiSh sOnGs LyRiCs
x cArE bEaRs
x c00L cArtOoNs (hApPy tReE fRiEnDs)

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